Windsor Clive Primary School was awarded its Silver Rights Respecting Schools Award in November 2023. We are now working hard to achieve our Gold Award.
What is a Rights Respecting School?
In Rights Respecting Schools, the children and adults work together to make sure children’s rights are being promoted and respected. The whole school community works together to put children’s rights into practice every day.
UNICEF is the world’s leading organisation for children and their rights. They promote and champion the UNCRC (UN Convention on the Rights of the Child), and advocate for governments to protect children’s rights. The UNCRC is a universally agreed set of non-negotiable standards and obligations. It not only covers all aspects of a child’s life through 54 articles, but outlines the responsibilities that the government and adults have in making sure children can enjoy their rights.
ABCDE of Rights
We have used the ABCDE of Rights to help children learn about their rights. Remember, rights are different to ‘wants’! A right is a basic human need.
We are a Silver Rights Respecting School!
Our school vision for the future is ‘focused on a relentless commitment to developing all pupils as ethical, ambitious and capable citizens who are ready to learn throughout their lives’, and our mission is provide every child with the chance to thrive and succeed every day.
We are working hard to make sure that our children are learning through their rights, not just about their rights. Windsor Clive Primary School has a group of Rights and Equality Champions who meet every week to represent their peers. Our children are confident and well informed about their own rights, as well as advocating for others locally and globally. Our school curriculum gives them the opportunity to explore their rights within real life experiences. We are working hard to develop pupil voice and encourage our children to make decisions and influence change in Windsor Clive Primary School. This year so far, this has included the children writing a child-free Anti-Bullying Policy and working with the canteen on changes that are important to them.
Teachers and classes have each created a Class Charter. The adults (duty bearers) and the children (rights holders) have together agreed what they will do to make sure their rights are being met and respected in school.
The children and the canteen staff also created a Canteen Charter to ensure rights are being respected in all areas of the school.