Literacy, numeracy and digital competence are skills that should be found across the curriculum and in all areas of learning. These are a range of skills that are essential for learning and for pupils to be able to participate successfully in every day life.
Priority has already been given to literacy and numeracy within the Welsh curriculum through the LNF. Digital competence is increasingly fundamental to learning and life and now shares similar status within the curriculum to that of literacy and numeracy. Pupils should have frequent opportunities to develop, extend and apply these skills across the curriculum.
The literacy part of the LNF is organised into:
- Listening
- Reading
- Speaking
- Writing
The Maths part of the LNF is organised into:
- Developing mathematical proficiency
- Understanding the number system
- Learning about geometry
- Learning that statistics represent data and probability models chance
The DCF is organised into:
- Citizenship
- Interacting and collaborating
- Producing
- Data and computational thinking