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Windsor Clive Primary School

Every Child - Every Chance - Every Day

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Windsor Clive Primary School

Every Child - Every Chance - Every Day


If you would like your child to attend our school you will need to visit the Cardiff Council school admissions page via their website,


All standard applications (including in year transfers) now require an online application form. You will need to log in or set up a Citizen Portal account to be able to complete an application.


Once your child has been allocated a place at our school, we will be in touch with further information and a start date.


For any queries regarding admissions, please contact the Cardiff Council admissions team on 02920872087. 

Key dates for admissions

When your child starts at our school, we require a completed version of this form. There is no need to download or print as we will supply you with a paper copy on your first meeting with us, but please ensure that you have all of the relevant information to hand.

Cardiff Council's school admissions information booklet

Guide to using the Citizen Portal online application system
