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Windsor Clive Primary School

Every Child - Every Chance - Every Day

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Windsor Clive Primary School

Every Child - Every Chance - Every Day

Late/Absence Procedures


If your child is unable to attend school for any reason, please contact the school office as soon as possible on 

 029 20 591240

Please give your child's full name, class and reason for absence.


Please notify the school on each day of absence or specify the date on which they will return.


There is the option to leave a voicemail if the school or closed or lines are busy.


Parents or carers of pupils who are absent without reason will be contacted by our school attendance team. Our School Attendance Officer may also get in touch.

Medical or other appointments should be made for outside of school hours if possible.


Late Arrival

School opens at 8.45am and ends at 3pm


Late arrival is embarrassing and distressing for children. They are likely to have missed the teacher's explanation of what they are expected to do.


Doors remain open until 9.00am. Any arrivals after this time are recorded as late and need to enter the building through our main office. 


Holiday Requests

Please complete a Holiday Request form (available from the office) at least 2 weeks prior to the holiday being taken to enable the Headteacher to consider your request.
